Take a Walk to Emmaus!
The sole purpose of the Emmaus movement is to strengthen disciples within the ministry of individual congregations. Emmaus is in partnership with the local church.
The walk to Emmaus is a three day experience, sponsored by the Upper Room under the National Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church, that takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a lifestyle. The highly structured weekend is designed to strengthen and invigorate the faith of Christian people, and through them, their families, their congregations, and the world in which they live. Emmaus combines the efforts of laity and clergy to renew the church.
The Walk to Emmaus is open to Christians of all denominations.
The Crossroads Emmaus Community of the New England Conference is a new place for persons, primarily from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut to renew their Christian discipleship. Pilgrims walk a new road to Emmaus and find their hearts strangely warmed. At this crossroads a person is lifted up into a grace-filled life to be lived and shared with others.
Crossroads expresses the idea of hospitality to all who come, a place of convergence for diverse peoples from a variety of locations. It also incorporates the cross – the symbol of Christ and the Christian faith – and the meeting on the road to Emmaus where Jesus opens the scriptures and reveals himself to those who seek him.
Find out more About the Walk to Emmaus here.